Photography by Jon Adams

Sony Nex-5r

Well folks, The next Nex is here! Some wonderful updates. Apps are a reality and autofocus looks to be great! You all know I'm already a fan of the Nex-5n. There have been just a few things I'd have liked to have in this little camera.

Top Updates (according to me)

AF has been updated and looks to be on par with the best AF systems out there. This camera is now able to do more than it used to because of this. Catching running toddlers and fast moving objects with the Auto Focus looks to be similar to it's larger ancestors the SLR cameras. My wife will be very happy about this, as she doesn't enjoy the challenge of Manual Focus like I do. You also can shoot 10 frames per second while tracking focus. I very much welcome this addition. It cancels out most of the issues people have had with the Nex cameras. I think lens manufactures will take note. I'm thinking 2013 is the year of the Nex.

We've (as in me and my buddies) have been wishing they'd make some kind of add ons available for years. Poloroid has Android and now Nikon does. No one but Sony has apps on a camera with changeable lenses. Granted, it's not open like Android. But welcome nonetheless. I'm looking forward to the remote control. I want to perch my camera in various places, such as up on a 30ft pole to get a different angle on a building. You'll be able to both see what your shooting and trigger the shutter with your iPhone or Droid. Next, they mentioned a pro-bracketing app. Sony has been putting in the most pathetic bracketing options in their cameras for a while. We've been wishing we could do some real bracketing with our Sonys, It's here.

I'm a big user of Eye-fi cards. I love having my images jump wirelessly to my phone, iPad, or computer. The downside is that this functionality is limited to the specific card. That means limited space and the cards are slow. (Only Class 6) So with wifi I'll be able to use any of my big fast cards and I don't have to choose between my big fast cards or my ability to upload. Along with the connectivity to devices and directly to the web. This will make it nice.

I've not had any trouble with the interface of the Nex-5n. But I welcome the added function button and dial on top of the camera. I think this is a wonderful addition.

Overall, I'm excited to see what the Nex-6 and Nex-8? or Nex-9? is going to be like. I really like the idea of having a very high resolution Nex for landscapes or whatever you might need a huge file for. And a nice little 16 megapixel camera with good low light abilities for the times when you need that. If I were you, I'd start saving my pennies now. The gear lust is coming. I hope to get my hands on one of these to try out. I hope you do too.

If you're interested in pre-ordering the Nex-5r from Amazon, Here is a link
Sony Nex-5r Preorder